
Joining Paddle

🚨 Announcement Alert 🚨 Beyond thrilled to share that I'm joining @PaddleHQ in an exciting new role leading Founder Relations. Pinch me because this is a dream job ❀️ It blends cohort programs, community leadership, building in public & more Here's how it came to be ‡️

1/ A month ago I started looking for a new job But instead of the traditional route, I figured I'd rely on my Internet community. So on Dec 14 2023, in the true "build in public" fashion, I put out a bat signal post on Twitter I outlined what I wanted along w/ proof of work


2/ As I was sifting thru my replies next day, I found a magical DM from @andjdavies (CMO, Paddle). I had a good feeling bc of Paddle's brand + mission alignment w/ me. PS: I later found out that @TrippBrockway (Global VP Sales, Paddle) sent my post to Andrew which led to the DM πŸ™


3/ Here's Paddle's impressive journey so far to give you context βœ… 4,000+ customers βœ… 245 countries The primary customers are SaaS founders so there's a MAJOR overlap in their ICP and who I've been helping over the last 4-5 years 🀝


4/ We jumped on a quick call shortly The conversation felt insanely energizing from the start. I discussed what I was looking for (thisiskp.com/kpnext). Andrew said: "But KP, what do you want EXACTLY?" I opened up further. Apart from my public criteria, I had a secret criteria.

5/ What was my criteria?

Coming fresh from founding a company, I wanted these components in my next role:

βœ… A high trust culture and an empowering leader to report to βœ… An energizing role that aligns w/ my skills and credibility βœ… A mature global startup (Series A beyond)

6/ Andrew told me about his own founder journey and said you'd love Paddle We talked about an epic initiative "AI Launchpad" A FREE 6-week remote program for AI SaaS founders. The 1st cohort went live last year & was a big hit. Tharshan (who runs GTM at Paddle) built this w/ love.


7/ We discussed the opportunity to 10x the impact of Launchpad

Apart from this program, the role would include opportunities to build partnerships and relationships with the founder ecosystem at large.

Andrew's vision for Paddle was inspiring, bold and magnetic.

I was hooked πŸ‘€

8/ But I still didn't know much about the culture

A couple days later, Andrew introduced me to other key leaders

β†’ Tharshan (GTM) β†’ Jessica (VP, Product Marketing) β†’ Tripp (Global VP, Sales)

Every one of them were warm, welcoming, ambitious but kind people.

My conviction got stronge.

9/ Meanwhile, I also interviewed w/ 2 other top startups that had fantastic prospects (can't name them here but they are global brands serving founders)

They also came via the "bat signal" tweet.

I asked my wife for advice, she said: choose the place where you feel the most welcome.

10/ A couple days later, I had the final call with Andrew

The choice was super clear in my mind alread.

So when I heard the offer details from Andrew, I jumped with joy!

And BAM, signed the contract within a couple days πŸŽ‰

11/ Here's specifically why I'm excited about this role:

Paddle's mission is to help SaaS founders remove the invisible barriers that get in the way of growing. In my role, I get to be in the frontlines of this mission. That's an honor!

12/ Plus the opportunity with Launchpad is humungous We want to build the world's most helpful COMMUNITY and EDUCATION programs for SaaS founders.

PS: Fill out this form to be the first to know when we share details about our next cohort.


13/ Thanks so much for reading πŸ™

Pls RT/QRT this so others may get to see too

Appreciate each of you who sent me good vibes and offered to make intros since the bat signal post

Grateful for the community support that I've always received at every major turn of my career ❀️