Source: Below is an excerpt from Pat Walls
This is why you should build in public. I posted our very first YouTube video and asked Twitter for feedback on how it could be better. A dude named @ryanhashemi_ saw it in his timeline and sent me a DM on some things we could improve. I didn’t think much of it, but then I checked his profile. He built a YouTube channel to 8M subscribers! (Jubilee) We implemented his changes in the next video, and then asked him for feedback again. It performed marginally better. We did this over and over and started working with Ryan who kept sending us little tidbits on how each video could be better. 12 videos later, we hit 85k subscribers. If it weren’t for Ryan, we’d probably have 900 subscribers. If I didn't share our (very crappy) first video on Twitter, I wouldn't have met Ryan.