That there is no competition for me in business .. why? Because I’m so obsessed & focussed on serving and helping customers that I don’t care to worry about competitors.
That I will win in the long run by giving away a lot and not keeping score.. why? Because karma is real and the more you give .. the more you get eventually.
That I am destined to be a founder & investor .. why? No clue but I had this silent whisper in my ear since childhood. All of my life’s events conspired in a way to make this seemingly evident.
That technology is a net good for society… why? Because when done right, tech allows you to remove suffering from people’s lives and that’s a powerful Buddhist karmic virtue to live by.
That I’m am in no rush to become successful just to prove my worth and greatness to others.. why? I am constantly finding a deep sense of inner peace and contentmeny in enjoying the process and focusing on the present. The destination will unfold itself over time but there is joy in the journey.
That your heroes and icons are mere mortals too and in fact you may have a leg up on many of them in many areas.
Be your own hero, live up to your fullest potential possible in alignment with your core values & by doing this you will be widely successful and inspiring to many.
That you shouldn’t chase money directly. Chase adding disproportionate value to society. Chase excellence in your journey, money will follow you.